What Do We Do Now?
These four UH leaders have been wrestling with the huge challenges COVID -19 is forcing on the entire UH System.
Colin Moore, Dir. of the UH Public Policy Center gets their thinking and ideas on various solutions.

Two University of Hawai'i economists, a State Senator and an activist discuss how we can recover from COVID-19 recession.
A searching conversation on the future of tourism in Hawai‘i.
Hawai‘i's Authors

Major annual literary awards for Hawai’i writers and contributors.

These three novelists write the real story of the Thalia Massie case, the impact of Pearl Harbor on individual lives, and the story behind the 442nd Infantry Combat Team.

Two UH biographers describe two American legends—Maestro Leonard Bernstein and journalist- activist Ben Hecht.
Mermaids have seduced sailors forever. These two UH Manoa scholars put together this spellbinding volume of mermaid tales.

A murder mystery set in Hollywood, and a thriller set in North Korea.

The Diaries of Queen Lilu’okalani 1885-1900, edited by David Forbes, the legendary Hawai'i historian and archival researcher, discussed by the ex-State Archivist, and an expert Hawaiian translator.
The Moʻolelo Hawaiʻi of Davida Malo, in a new bilingual translation, is presented by the Editors.

Six of the contributors to Bamboo Ridge #118 read from their work.
Innovation Future

Everyone says Innovation is the key to Hawai‘i 2.0. –but what does that mean in practice? Check out why a UH leader and a Honolulu CEO who are in the thick of tech at UH and across the globe believe it’s really possible, and why.

Two of Hawai‘i’s most successful entrepreneurs discuss their approaches to disruptive innovation.

A JABSOM researcher and a technology CEO discuss their very different active approaches to COIVID-19 testing and vaccine.
Two University of Hawai'i leaders in digital imagery demonstrate its power in interpreting cancer and climate change.
Two Big Island projects: Start-up training for teenagers, and an international model for offshore fish farming.

Leading scientists at two of the major labs at UH explore the possibilities of the ocean, from the microscopic biome to wave energy.

Two Hawai'i scientists bring nanotechnology to bear on corrosion and micro devices.

A University of Hawai'i scientist and a Honolulu entrepreneur describe the agriculture of tomorrow and a powerful antioxidant.

Two scientists explore controversial frontiers with huge implications for the future. One develops cyber-physical systems, the other a radically new approach to Artifical Intelligence that could transform the practice of medicine.

Mitigating Climate Change in Hawai'i is provoking many ingenious ideas. They all need capital to take those ideas into reality. Listen to the energy and variety of these two outstanding Hawai‘i accelerators.

Climate Change is global, but it has quite specific impacts on Hawai'i. These experts research the threats and plan for them.

Everyone says Hawai’i’s dependence on tourism has to change. Four Hawai‘i experts explain different points of view.

Climate Change is already here. Four leading thinkers discuss what it actually means for Hawai‘i, and what is being done about it.

A revisioned Hawai‘i 2.0 will require a tremendous amount of planning—but can it overcome development pressures and political obstacles?

Sea-level rise has already proved the most visible and relentless impact of Global Warming on Hawai‘i. These are the State and City experts tasked with managing coastal retreat.

Conservation will be a key element of Hawai‘i 2.0. and these experts will describe some of the many projects already in motion.

PreK-12 education is the key to a successful Hawai‘i 2.0, and these four education leaders are on then front line.

A UH Manoa scientist-administrator, a historian, a Hawaiian political scientist, and an English professor look at the future role of the university.

Wellness & Resilience

Hawai'i's Lieutenant Governor and a disaster expert discuss the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These experts describe how the pandemic has brought homelessness and affordable housing into high relief, ands discuss what needs to be done.

The pandemic lockdown keeps all kinds of stress invisible. These Hawai'i practitioners see the effects of COVID-19 isolation.

Three experts look at extreme disparities in Hawai‘i health brought into focus by COVID-19.

Three Hawaii doctors discuss the physical and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 forced the widespread use telemedicine. Is it here to stay? Three doctors, a therapist, and a medical administrator discuss the benefits and limitations.

New pathogens like COVID-19 are likely to occur with Climate Change, just one of a number of threats to Hawai‘i health in the not so distant future. Three doctors diagnose the prospects.
Value of Hawaiʻi

Discussions of a post-COVID Hawaiʻi need to begin with the recognition of the exploitation and injustice that has defined America’s presence in Hawaiʻi.
Contributors address address these issues.

Problems and solutions old and new—Warriors, Ahupuaʻa, and home in Waiʻanae.

Contributors discuss how music, art, poetry, and other cultural and creative production can guide us toward the postpandemic future we want.
Hawai'i Book & Music Festival Board Chair David DeLuca and University of Hawai'i Pres. David Lassner launch the 2020 Festival. Pres. Lassner discusses the key role of the University as the engine of Hawaii 2.0.