We Are Maunakea - HIGHLIGHTS
Kahele Dukelow, The lifewriting strategies of the kiaʻi (protectors) who gathered at Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu in the summer of 2019 to defend Maunakea against the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). With "Maunakea Sacred Mountain," a film by Meleanna Aluli Meyer and Tom Coffman.

Indigenous Persistence from Hawai'i to Kahiki - HIGHLIGHTS
The concept of Kahiki, both a symbol of ancestral connection and the potential that comes with remembering and acting upon that connection.
It is in Kahiki, and in the sanctuary it creates, that today’s Kānaka Maoli can find safety and reprieve from the continued onslaught of settler colonial violence while confronting some of the uncomfortable and challenging realities of being Indigenous in Hawaiʻi, in the Pacific, and in the world.

Nana I ke Kumu Vol III - HIGHLIGHTS
This third volume of Nānā i ke Kumu presents ancient and fundamental Hawaiian values and traditions associated with grieving and healing practices with the goal of addressing modern-day family conflicts, including drug addiction, abandonment, divorce, incarceration, and domestic violence. The authors have strived to represent the collective mana‘o of Tūtū Pukui and their respective kūpuna, and the individuals with whom they have worked for decades.

Remembering Intimacies
“With a fearless commitment to land-based love, Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio channels the multi-bodied powers of Hi‘iaka to cast an intimate yet expansive net of relating that reaches across geography, generation, and gender." (Ty Tengan)

Mapping Abundance - HIGHLIGHTS
As Kanaka Maoli and their allies stand as land and water protectors, Candace Fujikane calls for a profound attunement to elemental forms in order to transform climate events into renewed possibilities for planetary abundance.

A Decolonial Guide to Hawai'i - HIGHLIGHTS
"Detours" will forever change how readers think about and move throughout Hawai‘i.