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David O’Shea

David O’Shea, a storyteller based in Bermuda, learned to tell stories as he drove a NYC taxi in the 1970’s and 80’s.  Coming home from work early in the morning, he’d tell his best friend Cynthia about his night.  “Why you could have been killed,” she’d say. “I know, but I wasn’t?” he’d answer, “and it’s a good story.”

Living in Los Angeles 1986 – 2011, David began performing his true stories to wider audiences at theatres and storytelling festivals. He also began interviewing WWII veterans and, with permission, sharing their stories of service. 

His one-man show “Taxi Stories” was called a “gut-busting and deeply-moving testament of a now bygone New York when the city’s danger and unpredictability were part of its charm.”

At today’s performance, David has softened the language of his stories. Listeners are advised that themes and imagery are still adult. Discretion is advised.


